Sunday, October 19, 2014

Obama- Experts tell me this USA can’t chew gum AND walk at the same time

"And fellow Americans, I believe them, now shut up, because the experts are smarter than you, and I am smarter than them."
Yesterday, Barack Obama, as he has done as a PRINCIPLE for every bad decision he has made, DOUBLED DOWN to prove he is sure about  what he is doing.
He maintains, with these experts that imposing a a BAN on travel INTO THE USA from West Africa, cannot be done, and will make things worse.
As if we cannot get ANY AID WE CAN, IN ANY FORM, IN 6-8 hours, from the USA to West Africa if we stop people from Sierra Leone, etc, from having a contagion holiday in the USA.
This is, as it always has been a counter common sense, specious, argument, whose FAILURE to be articulated in any logical manner to ANYONE (let alone the people) once again shows us that the distance between the citizens and the political class is FAR GREATER than the generated differences of the top 1% of income - an inequality (which of course, won’t help them with a virus contact, will it?).
I had thought Barack Obama would just be a slightly more left of center Clinton, but he is an authority freak who is always arrogantly certain HE knows better than anyone else, once he makes up his mind based on a brisk debate of solipsoid nature. How far left he is becomes the SECONDARY problem.
The incompetent arrogance, impossible decisions  made too late to make the impact needed IF CORRECT, and failure to make any case to the American people followed by INSISTENCE that he is correct are a danger to the nation.
We ARE ABLE to stop incoming travel as we need from West Africa, on a temporary basis, while providing military, medical, food, shelter or ANY OTHER epidemiological aid compulsory to END the outbreak in Africa.
The idea is to NOT have an outbreak here while achieving that end, or BELIEVE ME, outbound aid WILL STOP.
To pretend otherwise makes it impossible to credit this govt in any decision they make, and this suppurating, growing, eroding anger and cynical disregard of what the govt now says, and in fact belief in the OPPOSITE of what they say is CORRODING the faith of the nation IN our ability to govern ourselves.
Jan 23, 2017 REMAINS a long way off.

"It would be eas­ier to trust ap­peals for calm if of­fi­cials didn’t act as if it is ab­surd to fear a pathogen that liq­ue­fies or­gans."

Joe Scarborough

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