Saturday, October 10, 2015

Hey Donald, as RIGHT as you are on the border and trade is as WRONG as you are on Eminent Domain



Always On Watch said...

The use of eminent domain has proper function. The highways systems, for example. We here in Northern Virginia went through a period of the proper use of eminent domain when I-66 and I-495 were built back in the 1960s. Great benefits for the entire region!

The problem, of course, is that the use of eminent domain has become not what it was originally intended to do.

Epaminondas said...

Trump defended Kelo

I can hardly think of a worse misuse of the Constitution unless we go back to Taney

Worse still, he tried to justify how WONDERFUL this kind of eminent domain is by talking about how much money these people made (were compelled to take)


It would take many many millions to get us out of our home, and since no one would pay that, we would be evicted for what someone else would set a value at.

All it would take is the right justification in someone elses's mind.

A REVERSE redistribution of wealth.

Trump is totally wrong.